Monday, May 21, 2012

Don't get in a RUT.....................................

 Wow kind of funny how this posting came about.  The other day I was sitting in my car and it was raining and pouring.  I was watching as the rain drops hit the windshield.  I watched how there was always one strong drop that would leave a pathway all the way down the window and then there were other drops that didn't go anywhere, now that's pretty boring. The fascinating thing was the drops that would start out on their own paths and then all the sudden they would get caught in the same pathway as the strong ones and just follow.  It made me think about life and how we let people affect us.  There are some who are strong and lead the way.  There are some who are just to shy and never go anywhere in life.  There are some who start out on their own path but then end up going right back where they feel comfortable or they get caught in someone Else's Rut in life.  I thought about where I fit in.  I  like to be unique and different.  I like to branch out and find the NEW in life. I like having a firm foundation in some areas of life that are meant to be the same.   I am not afraid to be who I am.  I don't want to be like everyone else. I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life.  To illustrate my point. The other day I went with Erin to a new place for her to get her hair done.  I was laughing and having fun with the people I had met in there.  Well Erin all the sudden said mom those two ladies over there are making fun of you and they think you are annoying.  I said thanks for the heads up Erin, but you know what.  I don't care.  One, they don't even know me and I probably wont meet them ever again and Two, at least I made them laugh at something and cause them to think outside of their comfort zone lol.  The point is that I will never have to worry about being in a Rut in life and I would hope that you would want to feel that way also.  When it comes to the Positive Side of life well that's just the point it is ALWAYS POSITIVE..... xoxoxoxox

Monday, May 7, 2012


The other day I was driving by the Provo River and noticed how fast and swift it was running.  I watched as its boundaries overflowed with NEW, CLEAN, FRESH, COOL WATER as it spilled into the Jordanelle Reservoir.  I thought about all the water life and fish that live in the Reservoir that WAIT all winter long for that FRESH, NEW water to bring to them NEW life.  I started thinking about how this relates to "OUR" lives.  I know that I so much enjoy "NEW" of everything.  The smell of new flowers as they blossom and bloom.  The feel of new grass or fresh water on your feet speaks so much to your soul.  There is nothing better than seeing new life all around.  I thought how sometimes we are like the water life and fish that wait and wait for all the FRESH, NEW water to bring us, oxygen or brightier days or long awaited peace after a storm.  I just hope like some that we don't just always SIT and WAIT for "NEW" TO FIND US.  How we need to not be afraid to seek out and FIND NEW, whatever that may be.  That's the fun about life, it's helping YOU,ME and OTHERS to do just that.   According to THE POSITIVE SIDE OF LIFE, it's all about always moving forward no matter what crosses our paths.  It's taking each day one step at a time and making our own kind of stepping stones.  It's ALWAYS SEARCHING FOR THE EXCITMENT OF THE"NEW" IN EVERYTHING!!!!!  xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I think one of the greatest lessons women learn in life is that when their A PLAN doesn't work out they still have B-Z PLANS to choose from! lol  I honestly think the SOONER women learn this important lesson the better off they will be.  You just have to remember that they ALL work out.  So don't sweat the small or big stuff all the time.  It's kind of fun to take bits and pieces from every plan to make the very best one.  Here is a wonderful example of just how this all works lol.  Let's take for instance, you planned a huge party for special friends at your house.  Well you planned out your meal and had your plan A down to a T.....  Then you find out you can't locate that special meat or sauce so what happens, well of course PLAN B and then lets say something else happens maybe your children get sick or the dog runs with mud through the house or even better yet he eats the napkins you bought special lol.  Oh well so now you are down to, well lets just say PLAN T,U,V....  Then finally when you think it is all going to work out your husband says you have to move the time later.  Oh wow, I know by this time most of us would be pulling our hair out right?  Ok so are you ready?  Here is the BEST part about all the PLANS you had......  When you finally figure it out and you finally get to the last PLAN Z, well thats when you simply call your husband or your friends and you say HEY, LET'S GO OUT TO EAT!!!!!!!  Now your talkin, because not only do you not have to worry about all the details of all your plans but you get to SIT BACK AND ENJOY WATCHING SOMEONE ELSE WORRY ABOUT ALL THE PLANS..... ha ha ha  NOW THATS WHAT I CALL THINKING ON THE POSITIVE "PLANS" OF LIFE  XOXOXOX