Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What it means to be THANKFUL!!!!!

     What does it really mean to be THANKFUL?  Does it mean to just be able to know in your heart that for one day everything is calm.  Perhaps it's being able to sit and ponder about all the ways you have been blessed in your life and writing them all down in your journal.  There are so many ways to find the real meaning in the word THANKFUL.

     I found out that one of the real meanings of the Word THANKFUL is to be HUMBLE.  Does it really do any of us good to just be able to sit and be content or thankful for just what we have?  How do the words THANKFUL and HUMBLE really relate in your own personnel and family life?  As I have had the chance to read and ponder on just this thought I have truly come to know how it all fits together.

     When we are TRULY THANKFUL don't we want to SHARE THAT WITH EVERYONE AROUND US, and in order to do just that don't we have to get out of our comfort zone. By doing that don't you soon find out what it means to actually become so HUMBLE that you have the desire and want to show others why your THANKFUL for them.

     I believe that this is the one way to fully understand what it really means to be THANKFUL! 

     On the POSITIVE SIDE!!!!!!  It's my hope that all of us will truly be THANKFUL and in so doing become so HUMBLE that we can find only the GOOD in all others and actually show EVERYONE whom we know and meet just how THANKFUL we are that they are apart of our lives.
      I for one am so THANKFUL for ALL of YOU!!!!!  Even those I haven't had the chance to meet yet.  Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my blogs and sometimes even comment on your feelings.  I learn so much each and everyday and I LOVE IT!!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

When Life Hands You A Pillow Hit Someone On The Head With It!!!!!

     Ok, Ok, how many times in my life do I wish someone would have hit me on the head with a PILLOW??????  Probably a million plus times, besides, at least there SOFT!!!!!!

     I should have learned a lot of things but being stubborn, old me I didn't.  Oh how I wished I would have.  The funny thing is that now I am trying to get my own family members to listen to me........  only to find out that I am the only one listening to me time and time again.  Of course I have gotten wiser now and I just so happen to keep A LOT of PILLOWS at my house and on occasion end up using them.

     I guess what this all boils down to is trying to be a parent.  Trying to help your posterity learn what mistakes NOT to make in life.  Teaching others to avoid the pit falls so that they don't have to stumble and get stopped in their tracks.  Basically trying to SAVE THEM TIME AND HEARTACHE.

     I decided to have a discussion with my children on this matter and even some of their friends.  It was a wonderful discussion and they all had such great points of view and yes all of them were true.  But the one thing I learned about all of this was.........

     Mom, you have taught us, you have helped us and you have even tried to protect us from all of life's tests, but Mom, eventually we have to GROW UP and LEARN and yes EVEN MAKE MISTAKES.  Come on Mom didn't you do all of that?  Yes even my own children and their friends teach me.  No Mom you aren't a failure, you have done it all and to your BEST.  I mean look at all of US!!!!!!  That's when I fully understood what they were saying. 


     Like my Son asked me, Mom what does a Mother Robin Bird do to her Little birds when she feels they are grown?  She PUSHES them OUT of the NEST!!!!!!!!!                           