Friday, January 25, 2013


     I am sure you have all heard the story of the UGLY DUCKLING right?  What great lessons we can learn from this story about succeeding in life. I mean here is this poor little duckling newly hatched and already it is told just how ugly and different it is.  How it doesn't fit in and never will.  How it is shuned and left alone.  Does any of this ring a bell in our own lives at times?  How many times do we feel like a failure an outcast.  Sometimes as little children we don't even realize that we are different until someone points it out to us that they think we are.
     I hope with all my heart that WE ALL skip to the END of the UGLY DUCKLING story where he finds out that ALL the things he ever THOUGHT or were TOLD to him WEREN'T TRUE!!!!!!!!  That he did matter and even found out how AMAZING AND TOP NOTCH HE REALLY WAS.  HE WAS A SWAN, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND GRACEFUL OF THEM ALL.......
     When we look at others, let us ALL look at them as if they have something wonderful about them to succeed in life......
     I mean just think, WHAT IF??????, ON THE POSITIVE SIDE!!!!!