Tuesday, July 31, 2012

There's NO TIME TO WASTE!!!!!!!

     Do we each really think about all the times in our lives when we have allowed moments that we went backwards or we stopped dead in our tracks.  Can you think of times when you felt like you were spinning wheels but never moving forward.  Have you ever stopped to think what causes all of these moments and how they make you feel? 

     I went for along time feeling exactly like this and trying to figure out why I felt like I was never moving forward and I knew I wanted to because I knew that I hated feeling like I was either going backwards or stuck and spinning wheels and never getting anywhere.  In fact I spent a lot of time pondering, praying and really thinking.  But then I realized that I was allowing this to happen to me and I was in charge and if I desired, I didn't have to feel this way.

    I am just one of those people that have to be moving forward in life.  I have to be making a difference in not only my life but others lives.  So that's how I started thinking on the POSITIVE SIDE OF LIFE......  I am here to let everyone know who reads any of my posts that I am walking proof that thinking and acting and being POSITIVE for how ever long you have to do it, will work....

    I promise that this will be one of the simplest or hardest things for you to do but it by far will be one of the BIGGEST, POSITIVE things that you can achieve and trust me from just doing this one thing it will lead to such a POSITIVE FEELING inside.

    Everything that I have written in my posts are just a few of some of those simple POSITIVE, LIFE CHANGING things that EVERYONE can do.  I Love and care about EVERYONE.  I have come to fully understand that NONE OF US have time to STOP THINKING AND MOVING IN A POSITIVE DIRECTION.  I like to think of it as if one pathway you are headed down comes to a stop then IT'S OK!!!!!!!  Yep did you read that IT'S OK..... Why?  because it means that it is TIME TO CHANGE AND BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT...... The key is that the WHATEVER YOU DO DIFFERENT, HAS TO BE POSITIVE!!!!!  Also THE OTHER THING IS THAT YOU HAVE TO TAKE SOMEONE ALONG WITH YOU, even if it's for only a brief moment or until they start heading down their own POSITIVE PATHWAY OF LIFE.

   To everyone who reads this I hope that if we know each other that we can even laugh more together, and if we have never talked yet, then I hope you come to know that if you ever need a friend then you can find it in me to be that friend......  Because for me the more friends the MORE POSITIVE OUR LIVES WILL BE!!!!!!!  I hope you enjoy and keep reading. xoxoxox

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's trade shoes........

     If you were granted the chance to trade shoes for one day ......who's shoes would you wear?  Would they be the shiny shoes?  The shoes that have that amazing NEW SMELL?  Or the ones with all the holes in them?  Maybe you would choose the ones that are covered with layers of dust, which I am sure have been worn by someone who has done physical labor all their lives.  Perhaps you would choose those shoes that had claimed victory over and over agian in several competitions. What about shoes that had chains attached indicating years of  bondage?  Just stop and ask yourself WHO WOULD YOU TRADE SHOES WITH? 
     I have actually seen people trade shoes with others.  One just happened not to long ago in my own family.  My soon to be married daughter and her fiance were downtown Salt Lake City taking invitation pictures.  It was a freezing day.  Needless to say she chose the wrong shoes to wear, thinking that the weather would be warm.  But it was freezing and as the night came closer it even got more cold.  Her toes were frozen, but she didn't complain. But her amazing fiance must have sensed her being cold and he simply took off his shoes and said here wear these..... she hesitated and then he took her shoes from off her feet and put his big shoes on her feet.  That amazing man carried her shoes and walked the rest of the night in stocking feet on the freezing cold ground, never once worrying about himself only the women he was about to marry. I am sure you can all imagine how I felt about this man at that moment!
     Since that moment I have asked myself over and over who's shoes I would trade with.  I have even looked at tons of shoes as people have passed by me several times. Eventually I came up with at least two dozen if not more shoes that I would gladly trade with.  The problem is that I am all most positive that some of them I would NEVER trade back.
     However there is one that I have felt like that has actually traded shoes with me over the course of my life time and sometimes I haven't even realized that he has.  Can YOU guess???????  Thats right!!!!  The Savior, Jesus Christ.  I have asked myself over and over have I gladly traded shoes with him?  Would I gladly trade shoes with him?  Would I even give up my shoes for him?  And most important what would happen if I did?
     Everyday of our lives, we are given the chance to trade shoes with someone.  Can you imagine that?  Everyday....... In my personnel life I know for a fact that anyone's shoes that I traded with I would make sure that I returned them on the POSITIVE SIDE......  I know I would.  Why? you might ask.... Well because that is what has happened to me over and over agian and if I know how it feels to be on the POSITIVE SIDE of life then why in the world wouldn't I want that for EVERYONE ELSE............xoxoxo

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Once Upon A Time............................

     Crazy as it may seem, I am still writing the same book that I started fifty years ago.  You know the one that has a great happily every after and then you end up ripping out a few chapters ha ha.  Oh, don't get me wrong I did end up with my Prince Charming and that magical kiss.  Oh and yes I have been able to visit DREAMLAND every once in awhile when that Prince of mine stops SNORING for one moment.  Yes, I have felt like The Old Women In The Shoe, raising all those crazy children lol.  But with each one of those chapters, when the story seemed to be headed in a definite direction, they come to a complete stop, and a new chapter starts all over again. 
     The coolest thing about each one of our individual books is being able to go back and read what we have written.  Its those moments when you pause and reflect and smile sometimes, and even may shed a tear or two.  Those are the times that give you that POSITIVE ENERGY to keep moving forward.  When you remember those strong feelings to never give up on yourself.  To cherish each and every chapter that you have created. All the amazing chapters when each one of us learned so so much. Even the chapters that we thought would never end or that we wished would never end, those are my favorite ones.
      I actually hope that like all of you I am lucky enough to have several books of my life written that include all the ANGELS that have really helped to write each and every chapter.  On the POSTIVE SIDE of our life books, it's the knowledge that we each have, that every book will ALWAYS start with, ONCE UPON A TIME...... and they will always have a never, ending, HAPPILY EVER AFTER.......xoxoxox

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thanks To Those Energizing children........

  What is it about those adorable children that surround us each and everyday.  You know the ones that keep going and keep going and never seem to stop.  Do you know that there is only two ways to turn them off. One is when they finally exhaust themselves and they just fall over lol. Two is when their mean parents finally force them to turn off.....but they never really do.  Just being around them makes you feel young agian.When they say a simple hi it lets you know that you are ok. When they hold your hand it signals to you to never give up. Their hugs are worth a thousand words. When they smile at you then it lights up your inner self. I have found that EVERYTHING ABOUT THOSE AMAZING CHILDREN  IS POSITIVE! 
   We ALL were once one of THOSE CHILDREN...... I myself still consider me as one of them...... It's perfectly fine to be fifty and still feel like you are five agian.....My family literally has to force me to shut down, but I never really do ha ha. I think often of what the world would be like if we all at times just stopped for a moment and became as a CHILD, full of life.  Always thinking of others and going and going until we finally exhaust ourselves at the end of the day.  On the POSITIVE SIDE.... those children are the energy that keeps us ALL GOING.......