Thursday, August 16, 2012

Just because of a APPLE!!!!!!!! I wonder.....

      Interesting, but true..... They saying goes, AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY!!!!!  Ha ha, does this work?  You bet.... Time and time again.  But with this famous saying, I had to laugh.  I started to think well if just a simple APPLE works  then I wonder what else might work  Kinda funny thought huh?
     So let's think for a moment.  Well if you eat garlic or fish, then you might avoid an unwanted intruder in your life lol, but then your friends and family might not let you in the house....... Wow, come to think of it my family might like the silence ha ha ha. 
     Better yet maybe if you faked it that you couldn't sing on tune, then you might not have to sing that up coming dreaded solo, but on the other hand, that might be classified as lying and then, you kinda got off the straight and narrow path!!!!!!
     My favorite would be telling my husband that for the next week, I was going to try nothing but new recipes, in hopes that before the week even ended, he would just figure out how much he truly loves EATING OUT, YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Ok, so what in the world does this all mean.  Well what if.....  You decided to try just once to do something totally, POSITIVELY, different, what might that change?  Have you ever wondered what effect that might have on someone or something?  Best of all what would that actually do for YOU?  This is one of my favorite things to do everyday of my life!!!!!  I love the out come that happens.  The very best ones are the POSITIVE ONES, why?  because there ALWAYS PASSED ALONG!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

Friday, August 10, 2012

There is Someone just around the CORNER!!!!

    Why is it that when it comes to the dating years everyone seems to think only in the moment?  I honestly believe that there is someone for EVERYONE.  I actually have seen this in my own life.  It's just trying to get others to believe this.  I have taught others or at least tried lol to teach them over and over again, WHEN IT COMES TO FRIENDSHIPS AND DATING..........
     IF SOMETHING DOESN'T WORK OUT WITH SOMEONE, THEN IT JUST MEANS THAT THERE IS SOMEONE BETTER JUST AROUND THE CORNER.......  Time and time again, this statement has turned out exactly that, TRUE......  But the secret is that it might not be when YOU think it is right BUT.... When Heavenly Father KNOWS it is right!!!!!!!  You have to be patient and most important.......JUST HAVE TONS OF FUN UNTIL IT'S TIME AND THAT RIGHT SOMEONE COMES AROUND THE CORNER OR BETTER YET, WHEN YOU TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH AND STEP AROUND THAT CORNER, TO SEE FOR YOURSELF!!!!!
     You have to remember that each person that comes into your path, has come for a reason..... So just have fun meeting new people and making new friendships, and finding out what things you really do and don't want in the one you marry someday......
     Besides on the POSITIVE SIDE OF LIFE..... It will make YOU a BETTER PERSON and STRONGER and be WELL WORTH THE WAIT!!! xoxoxoxo

Sunday, August 5, 2012


     So are you thinking this is going to be about some great band group?  Well not exactly......  It's about a simple ROCK!!!!! A odd shaped, unique, one of a kind, hard ROCK!!!!!!   Some get picked up and deemed as a PET!! Some get skipped across the water, to see who's will go the farthest and others just get stepped on over and over again.  But SOME are lucky enough to actually get to "ROCK N ROLL."

     So now you are thinking I am totally off my rock, or my head is filled with them at this moment, I think I might have to agree on this one except... I have a point to make!!!!!  Are you ready for the big word?????????? TALENTS...............

     Every single person was given their individual talents.....  My question is how are we each doing on developing them and sharing them with others?  If you compared them to a simple rock then what are you doing with them?  Do you HIDE them or KEEP them to your self ?  Do you PUSH yourself to be better at your talents? Or do you honestly believe that you have NO TALENTS or that others will just make FUN of you if you share them?  It would be my HOPE that we would fully come to understand just how blessed we are with so many TALENTS and just "ROCK N ROLL" with them.

     I am so amazed everyday at the millions and millions of ways that people share their talents.  Some of you don't even realize that you are doing just that.  But I do, and YOU ALL AMAZE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!  The best part is that not only are you making a POSITIVE difference in others lives but you are making a POSITIVE difference in your own life.  I hope the next time you are out and about that you will find one of the millions of rocks laying around and liken it to all the TALENTS that you are blessed with and actually turn it on the POSITIVE SIDE and JUST DO SOMETHING WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!! 

     Because on the POSITIVE SIDE OF LIFE..... WE ARE READY FOR YOU TO "ROCK N ROLL US"!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo