Saturday, June 30, 2012

Take CONTROL of what you CAN

I had the chance to spend some time on the Beaches in the amazing state of Hawaii.  One day we got tossed out on the waves and rained on.  I sat there and thought wow I am SMALL compared to these massive waters.  Another day I layed on the beach and watched as some of my family members got slammed as they tried to out run the waves.  I thought to myself.....  Do they really think they can win lol.  Then as I soon came home and saw how fire and wind can wipe out so much in such a short amount of time.  I realized how WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE LAWS OF NATURE!!!!!!
But I also realized that we do have control over OURSELVES......  How we control how we treat others.  How we judge others and how we even put ourselves above others.  It's kind of  like the story about casting the first stone, He who is without sin let him cast the first stone.........  On the positive side, we ALL have a lifetime to make each and everyday amazing for all the people we meet in our lives and even some we don't.  So make those moments POSITIVE for them and YOU!!!!!!!! xoxoxox